International Image Interpretation Quiz

The image interpretation quiz will highlight five young and experienced international radiologists in their areas of expertise using two interesting clinical cases to be solved by each of them.

The Image Interpretation Quiz Session will be held in English on May 11 from 9:45 to 10:45 in the Röntgen Hall.
Each panellist has received two cases in their area of expertise from the moderator (Professor Marc Dewey from Charité) before the Congress. They will discuss these cases during the International Image Interpretation Quiz. Panellists will usually add a few slides to the moderator slide deck before the session to show how they approached the case. This provides a great learning experience for the audience.

Moreover, the image interpretation session will be interactive with the audience. The participants of the session will be able to answer questions for each case ensuring that the presentations are lively and entertaining for the audience. Participants interested in the session are advised to please show up on time.


Area Expert Country
Cardiac Michelle Williams UK
Abdominal Luis Curvo Semedo Portugal
Chest Mario Silva Italy
Neuro Meike Vernooij Netherlands
MSK Amanda Isaac UK


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